To provide an efficient & transparent service for licensing & permitting mineral property holders, administering licenses & permits, & providing map-based information, giving active consideration to customer satisfaction & feedback
The Land Management Division falls under the Commissioner’s office and consists of the following units:
Cartographic /GIS
Mineral Property Administration
The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) is the statutory body that processes all applications for mineral properties in Guyana. This page provides an overview of the application procedure.
The document : 'Mining Act 1989' (Guyana Act No. 20 of 1989) defines the procedures for making such applications. This document is available at the GGMC's library.
Mission Statement
To facilitate growth and diversification in mining, by providing accurate and timely information and maps, and efficiently licensing, permitting and administering mineral properties, supported by it application by highly skilled staff
Core Values
- Timeliness
- Integrity
- Reliability
- Satisfaction
- Achievement