To provide to all stakeholders with information and research services related to the mining sector, and the basic prospection information and advisory services on the available economic mineral prospects
Statement of Values
We are dedicated to the highest standards of ethics and public service, and will strive for the maximum of effectiveness and economy in Library operations. Information services will be conducted with all possible consideration of confidentiality for the researcher and the contents of research. The Information and Documentation Officer and staff of the C. N. Barron Library will strive for high quality, equity and fairness in serving individuals and organizations throughout the mining community. We are dedicated to the development of full and equal access to information for all the people of Guyana
- To act as a national repository for all information relating to geology and mineral resources which will facilitate an understanding of the resource base of the country;
- To provide to the general public the basic prospection information and advisory services, on the available economic mineral prospects;
The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission Library contains documents dating back to the late 1890's, and is open to the public.
Access to the Library is general; there are provisions in place for library materials, including Geological reports and other publications to be accessed by:
- Geologists
- Miners
- Students
- Researchers
- Other Professionals
- Members of the Public
- Maps : 24200
- Microfiches : 56
- Microfilms : 27 (6x4)
- Slides
- CD ROMS 95
General Information
To keep abreast of developments in the various fields of interest, periodicals, annual reports and newspapers are received. These include Journals on specific subjects related to the geosciences, environment, financial and economic issues and management.
These publications are housed in the reading room of the Library.
Conference papers; Theses; Mining Act and Regulations, Environmental Act, OSH Act; Mineral resources pamphlets: 1575; Mining company reports: 152; Mineral profile collection: 84; Mining area reports: 68; Clippings files, local & regional; Records: 3050 volumes; Bulletins: 4000 approx. The collection also has a number of articles, working papers and presentations made by staff members. Geological, Mining and Environmental issues are the main areas addressed in these documents.
All official publications of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, inclusive of current and back issues of the Guyana Mineral Industry Survey are available in the Library.
Card Catalogue, and Author Index covering books/pamphlets, and periodicals Classification: Library of Congress - subject headings. The library’s catalogue is under re-construction the new card catalogue should be available shortly. The digital catalog will also be made available at the earliest.
Research requests can be made by telephone, email, mail or in-person.
Students may also channel their requests through their institutional libraries.
C. N. Barron Publications are distributed primarily to libraries, government departments, financial institutions and consultants in and out of Guyana.